Sunday, October 21, 2012

Max Caffe

Fate has been planning that I come to Max Caffe. 

I don’t know why, but I know that it has. First, a friend of mine mentioned that I should try it for my blog next, so it was on my radar. Then I was on the M60 to go home and the bus stopped at 125th and Amsterdam and refused to go any further. So I walked home from there and passed Max Caffe. Two days later, here we are. I’m hoping that this means that the coffee will taste like destiny. [Note: Max Caffe is on Amsterdam between 122nd and 123rd]

I’m already a bit upset with fate. This place is crazy expensive, and they’ve stopped serving frittatas (I get that it’s 5 in the afternoon, but whatever). A regular coffee is $2.50, and the second cup is still $2.50. (Note for non-coffee drinkers: A glass bottle of Coke is $3.25, and you don't even get to keep the bottle!) When the waitress told me this, I gave her the sassiest face that I’ve ever given a restaurant employee. She was very confused and apologetic, poor thing. Then, when I gave in and ordered another stupid cup of coffee, it never showed up. I’ve been trying to flag down a waitress for about an hour (read: two minutes).

Still, I found out why fate had me come here. It’s not because the coffee tastes like destiny. It’s because my roommate is crazy.

She volunteered to come to coffee shops with me after my last sob-story post, but she had to stop at the lab she works at to do something lab-related. I don’t know what, I’m a film major. So I went ahead to Max, and I was that girl holding a seat for my invisible friend—“No, this chair is taken, someone’s coming to sit with me, I swear”—while she was off being a crazy person. The following is an example of what crazy people do. Don’t try this at home, kids.

My roommate was at back edge of campus looking for a staircase that went down to the street. The staircase was roped off, so she went around the back of the science building hoping to find another exit. It led to a dead end. However, she did see an open window, so she jumped through it, dropped eight feet (so she guesses) and landed inside the deserted building. I would explain the reasoning, but I that would imply that I understand it. She then took some sketch stairs down to the first floor, hoping to find a way out of the building and onto the street. There were no doors on this floor, so she went back upstairs and entered another strange room through an unmarked door that turned out to be an emergency exit. She didn’t immediately see any other doors in this room either, and the one she came through didn’t have a handle on this side. After looking more closely she found another door, went through it and found herself in what she calls a shaft-like shipping garage thing; she crossed it, found an elevator, took it upstairs, and exited a different building than the one she entered. She then decided to cut her losses and exit campus the normal way, even though it meant doubling back three blocks.

My roommate, people—she’s basically Alice in Wonderland. If you’re confused, know that you are not alone. All I know is that my roommate is one insane bada** and I’m dressing up like her for Halloween.

In other news, I am not impressed with this café. Why are there two ‘f’s in Max Caffe? Why is there a weird love-nesty room in the back that can be separated by a curtain? What is the wi-fi password? What would destiny-flavored coffee taste like? It is a pretty place though, with brick and stone walls, dim lighting, and vintage flower-patterned couches. It’s not as loud as the Hungarian Pastry Shop, but it’s just not doing it for me. When I was at Cool Beans (see ) I felt focused and determined, and also like the fifty-foot woman, which is a little weird. Now I’m just tired and sad because my bill is going to be so atrocious (Note: it really was obscene). Two cups of coffee and I’m ready for a nap. It shouldn’t be this way. 

Ah, I see that I haven't posted any big thoughts here. Well, I have no big thoughts. It's been a rough week, in the middle of a rough month, and it's going to be a really rough night. I used to like October. Then I went to college. I wanted to integrate politics and Halloween and economics into this post, but I haven't done much of anything really. Oh well, there's always next time. By the way, leave me recommendations, they would be much appreciated! 

1 comment:

  1. Um, hello? What does a bada mean??
    FYI: Cafe is somewhere you can purchase food items, such as baklava or coffee, but caffe is the Italian word for coffee (hencewhy they serve coffee there). Caffe is also a very delicious type of coffee you can get at various cafes, which I recommend.
    Especially if it's a caffe mocha.
