Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cool Beans, Marietta Square

My hands are shaking and all my goals seem clear and attainable. 

I'm also making a lot of typos. Because of the hand shaking thing. But overall, I feel pretty good. A good coffee place should do all of this, I suppose. My first time coming to Cool Beans was maybe a month and a half ago. They give out those brilliant frequent flyer cards, which I always take as a challenge. Challenge accepted. Since then, I think my feelings for this esteemed roastery have verged on the passionate. First of all, it's in Marietta Square, one of my favorite places. Second of all, they play some hipster music mix that I do not recognize at all except for 'Psycho Killer', so I'm never distracted by a jam and the noise floats pleasantly to the back of my mind. Third of all, some chick took my seat, which actually did not make me happy, but it's good for Cool Beans. It got so busy at one point that I almost lamented that it had become so main stream. Just kidding. I never let such disgustingly hipster notions develop. 

What I really like about coming to do work here is that I feel like anything is possible. I get really focused, really wired, and the obstacles that usually seem huge now seem slight. As if the white chocolate honeysuckle latte (who came up with that?) contains a magic serum that turns me into the fifty-foot woman and I simply crush the obstacles under my very large feet. Okay, that third coffee was a mistake. 

Cool Beans was the inspiration for this blog. I get so much work done here that I want to keep doing my work in coffee places, which should be simple enough in the Big Apple.  Ew, I can hear a couple kissing next to me. I'm going to vomit. Okay, they left...only to be replaced by another couple. This is VILE. 

Anyways, I hope to keep letting you know where the coffee is strongest and most inspiring. I know this project is just going to increase my dependency on the stuff, so I hope my most noble sacrifice is appreciated. Which is silly, because this blog will maybe be read by two or three of my close friends, but I guess that's not really the point. What is the point, then? I'll think about that in two weeks, when I'm an elite college student again, because philosophizing is really all poor liberal art students like me are good at. Right now, I'm in Georgia. So. 

And by the way, I got the last stamp on my Cool Beans frequent flyer card today, so I'll have just enough time to come out here again for my free coffee. See what I mean? Coffee really does help me achieve my goals (to drink more coffee). 

1 comment:

  1. I love this, and I don't even drink coffee. THE PEOPLE WANT HOT CHOCOLATE REVIEWS TOO!
