Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rev Coffee, Smyrna, Georgia

Rev is a few minutes away from where I went to high school. 

To get there, I drive past my school and the McDonalds where we would use coupons to buy free fries; I pass the park behind the school where the students would go to smoke, very uncleverly nicknamed "Crack Park"; and the library where I read to little kids in Spanish; and the parking lot in the back of Moe's where we would stand against my car and I taught everyone how to do Rihanna's dance from the "Rude Boy" video. Wow, this started out sarcastic, but now I think I'm tearing up. Only kind of kidding.
Me. It's instagrammed,
so I'm a little hard to recognize. 

I didn't go to Rev today to update this blog. I was meeting up with a friend from high school.  I won't lie--I was dreading it. I've kept in touch with a lot of my friends from high school. We talk, we write each other letters, we leave inspiring posts on each others' Facebooks.  It's all very heartwarming. But I hadn't seen this friend in almost a year, and we had been best friends, I'm talking attached-at-the-hip annoying besties. Then we ended the year on a bad note. So now we awkwardly text each other and meet up at neutral locations for very limited time increments to "catch up", like we're old people or something. 

So I'm nervous. It's been like forever. She might be a different person now. Am I different?  To myself I'm still pretty much the same chick that I've always been. Maybe I've changed. Maybe we've both changed. Like from Bridesmaids

What is up with this generation?
I was the un-latest I've been for anything since I came home for vacation. Only five minutes. That's practically early. My friend was already there. She had a snickerdoodle latte (so that she could say 'snickerdoodle', she said) and I just had some plain coffee (it was only 2pm, so I had just woken up) and I burnt my tongue and she told me about her party-going and I told her about my lack of party-going and everything was, as we say in the south, peachy. I regretted not keeping in touch. We used to have so much fun. As I'm thinking this, she says it. We both talk about how awkward this all was. "Well, let's just stop that," I said. She agreed. Now we're sending each other pictures on Snapchat. As Captain and Tennille said, Snapchat will keep us together. 
Bringing it full circle. Kinda. Not really.

Well, this hasn't really been about coffee, has it. Let me put a picture of some coffee, to make things better. The moral of the story is that things can stop being awkward if you just stop letting it be awkward, friends are friends, and nothing ever really changes. I discovered this while drinking coffee, so that counts. 

Awkward, no awk-ing!